Author Archives: Keith Winter

Pop Up Pub 3rd Jan 2025

We are running a ‘Pop up Pub’ on the first Friday of every month.

A chance to meet up with your neighbours and the rest of your Community and to chat about recent events and maybe plan for the future. Who knows there may even be talk about the Queen’s Head …… Other conversations will be available !

Doors open at 19:00 Wrap up at 23:00.

Lizzie Sander’s Film ‘Littlebury’

It’s almost 10 years since our first showing of Lizzie Sander’s Film ‘Littlebury’. Lizzie arranged her large collection of Photos to music to create a wonderful record of parish life.

The Village Hall are putting on two showings of Lizzie’s Film on Saturday the 26th October

The first screening will be at 15:00 and will be a family screening allowing for a more informal audience setting.

The evening performance will start at 20:00. Tickets will be £5 a head or £15 a family There will be a licensed bar and cinema style snacks. Tea, Coffee and soft drinks available in the afternoon.

Both showings will be in two parts lasting around 45 mins with an intermission We would like to thank Brian Sanders for allowing us access to Lizzie’s legacy.

Profits will be shared between the Hall and Haematology – Addenbrooke’s Charitable Trust 

Pop Up Pub 4th October

We are running a ‘Pop up Pub’ on the first Friday of every month.

A chance to meet up with your neighbours and the rest of your Community and to chat about recent events and maybe plan for the future. Who knows there may even be talk about the Queen’s Head …… Other conversations will be available !

Planning to cook in the kitchen, Martin Housden is thinking something with sausages. 

Doors open at 19:00 Wrap up at 23:00.


Pop up Pub 6th September 2024

We are planning to run a ‘Pop up Pub’ on the first Friday of every month.

A chance to meet up with your neighbours and the rest of your Community and to chat about recent events and maybe plan for the future. Who knows there may even be talk about the Queen’s Head …… Other conversations will be available !

Doors open at 19:00 Wrap up at 23:00 If you feel peckish Burgers and Wedges will be available to buy.

Pop up Pub 2nd August 2024

We are planning to run a ‘Pop up Pub’ on the first Friday of every month.

A chance to meet up with your neighbours and the rest of your Community and to chat about recent events and maybe plan for the future. Who knows there may even be talk about the Queen’s Head …… Other conversations will be available !

Doors open at 19:00 Wrap up at 23:00 If you feel peckish Burgers and Wedges will be available to buy.